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Savings Account

A great way to get into the savings habit.

Start saving for your future today

When you have some extra cash to set aside each month, our Savings Account is a great way to get into the savings habit. Open an account in a choice of global currencies: AED, USD, GBP, EUR or Chinese Renminbi.

  • Use 90+ cash deposit machines around the UAE for instant credit into your account, and 30+ cheque deposit machines across the country without needing a card or PIN
  • Six over-the-counter transactions with no charge every month, if done using AED
  • Manage your money 24/7 through mobile, online or phone banking
  • Get an international Visa debit card and free supplementary debit card

Interest rates

AED accounts

0.05% AER (fixed)[@aprsavings]

USD accounts

0.10% AER (fixed)[@aprsavings]


Get 3.90% p.a. bonus interest

Put new money into an HSBC Regular Savings Account and earn 3.90% p.a. bonus interest until 30 April.
Offer ends 30 April 2025. Terms and conditions (PDF, 76 KB) apply.

Things to know

Who can apply?

You can apply for a Savings Account if you are:

  • over 18
  • a UAE national or a resident holding a valid UAE residence visa

Get started

New to HSBC?

Apply online to instantly confirm your eligibility. Once you've applied, you could get an approval in principle in just 5 minutes.

Already an HSBC customer?

Log on for the quickest and easiest way to apply. Not registered yet?

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Extra savings for an extra special future.


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