Get 1 of 500 subscriptions
Here at HSBC, we're dedicated to helping our female customers close the gender wealth gap.
To make a start, we're giving away 500 subscriptions to Sophia.
The knowledge you can gain will help you achieve your aspirations and life goals. Plus, you could get up to AED 1,750 cashback when you join Premier.1
Sophia offers all these resources
Just open an HSBC Premier Account
Can you open an account?
To get an HSBC Premier Account, you must:
Transfer your monthly net salary of at least AED 40,000 into your account or AED 30,000 if you're an Emirati, and build up a minimum Total Relationship Balance (TRB) of AED 500,000 (or equivalent) within 12 months; OR
Have a monthly average balance of at least AED 500,000 in savings and/or investments (or equivalent in other currencies)
How to apply
Our Sophia subscription giveaway is available to female customers who open an HSBC Premier Account. It's on a first come, first served basis, so apply today.
Important information
1 Please read these key documents before you apply.