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HSBC money transfers cost options

International money transfers outside HSBC

Premier Branch / RCC Online Mobile1
Transfer Charges AED 73.5 AED 42 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) AED 105 AED 105 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 0 AED 0 Not available
Premier Transfer Charges
Branch / RCC AED 73.5
Online AED 42
Mobile1 AED 0
Premier Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’)
Branch / RCC AED 105
Online AED 105
Mobile1 AED 0
Premier Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 Not available
Advance / Personal Banking Branch / RCC Online Mobile1
Transfer Charges AED 105 AED 52.5 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) AED 105 AED 105 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 0 AED 0 Not available
Advance / Personal Banking Transfer Charges
Branch / RCC AED 105
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’)
Branch / RCC AED 105
Online AED 105
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 Not available

This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

The HSBC exchange rate is the reference rate of exchange between currencies offered by HSBC. This rate includes the HSBC cost rate and a foreign currency conversion margin.

Correspondent and receiving banks may charge additional fees when they process the transaction.

Penalties and Fees may be applied if there is a customer error or omission in providing correct or incomplete remittance information and may cause a rejection of, or delays in, the transfer. We shall not be held liable for any potential loss.

The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.

For recall of payments, please contact us by any of the means listed at We may charge payment recall fee. We cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to recall the payment successfully.

We use the HSBC foreign exchange rate to work out the VAT charges on foreign transaction fees.

Premier Branch / RCC Online Mobile1
Transfer Charges to the other accounts AED 73.5 AED 42 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) AED 52.5 AED 52.5 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 0 AED 0 Not available
Transfer to HSBC Jersey & Channel Islands - For amounts above or equal to USD 2,000 AED 0 AED 0 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 52.5 AED 52.5 AED 0
Premier Transfer Charges to the other accounts
Branch / RCC AED 73.5
Online AED 42
Mobile1 AED 0
Premier Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’)
Branch / RCC AED 52.5
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0
Premier Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 Not available
Premier Transfer to HSBC Jersey & Channel Islands - For amounts above or equal to USD 2,000
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 AED 0
Premier Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 52.5
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Branch / RCC Online Mobile1
Transfer Charges to the other accounts AED 105 AED 52.5 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) AED 52.5 AED 52.5 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 0 AED 0 Not available
Transfer to HSBC Jersey & Channel Islands - For amounts above or equal to USD 2,000 AED 0 AED 0 AED 0
Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above AED 52.5 AED 52.5 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Transfer Charges to the other accounts
Branch / RCC AED 105
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’)
Branch / RCC AED 52.5
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 Not available
Advance / Personal Banking Transfer to HSBC Jersey & Channel Islands - For amounts above or equal to USD 2,000
Branch / RCC AED 0
Online AED 0
Mobile1 AED 0
Advance / Personal Banking Correspondent bank charges (Charges ‘OUR’) for above
Branch / RCC AED 52.5
Online AED 52.5
Mobile1 AED 0

This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

The HSBC exchange rate is the reference rate of exchange between currencies offered by HSBC. This rate includes the HSBC cost rate and a foreign currency conversion margin.

Correspondent and receiving banks may charge additional fees when they process the transaction.

Penalties and Fees may be applied if there is a customer error or omission in providing correct or incomplete remittance information and may cause a rejection of, or delays in, the transfer. We shall not be held liable for any potential loss.

The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.

For recall of payments, please contact us by any of the means listed at We may charge payment recall fee. We cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to recall the payment successfully.

Global Transfers ( International transfers within HSBC to your account)

Lowest Cost Option

 Premier, Advance Online Mobile
Transfer via ‘Global Transfers’ (own account only) AED 0 AED 0
 Premier, Advance Transfer via ‘Global Transfers’ (own account only)
Online AED 0
Mobile AED 0

This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

The HSBC exchange rate is the reference rate of exchange between currencies offered by HSBC. This rate includes the HSBC cost rate and a foreign currency conversion margin.

For Premier and Advance customers, Global Transfers service is the lowest cost option to transfer money inside the HSBC for supported currencies. We cannot guarantee that the exchange rates offered by HSBC UAE will be better than those offered by other financial institutions at the time of transfer.

For the list of supported currencies, please visit

HSBC to HSBC Payment ( International transfers within HSBC to someone else account)

Lowest Cost Option

 Premier, Advance, Personal Banking Online Mobile
Transfer via ‘HSBC to HSBC Payment’ (Someone else account only) N/A AED 0
 Premier, Advance, Personal Banking Transfer via ‘HSBC to HSBC Payment’ (Someone else account only)
Online N/A
Mobile AED 0

This product/service may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

The HSBC exchange rate is the reference rate of exchange between currencies offered by HSBC. This rate includes the HSBC cost rate and a foreign currency conversion margin.

HSBC to HSBC Payment (instant international payments within HSBC) service is the lowest cost option to transfer money inside the HSBC for supported currencies. We cannot guarantee that the exchange rates offered by HSBC UAE will be better than those offered by other financial institutions at the time of transfer.

Domestic transfers

Fees on Domestic transfers (outward remittances)  Transfer type
Charge Type
Online Banking 2
Phone Banking
Branch Banking

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfers within HSBC UAE All charge types AED 0 AED 0 AED 0

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfers outside HSBC UAE BEN, SHA AED 0 AED 0 AED 0

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfers outside HSBC UAE OUR AED 0 AED 1 (AED 1.05 inc of VAT) paid towards beneficiary bank charges AED 1 (AED 1.05 inc of VAT) paid towards beneficiary bank charges
Fees on Domestic transfers (outward remittances)   
Transfer type
Charge Type
Online Banking 2
Phone Banking
Branch Banking
Fees on Domestic transfers (outward remittances) 

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfer type
Transfers within HSBC UAE
Charge Type
All charge types
Online Banking 2
Phone Banking
Branch Banking
Fees on Domestic transfers (outward remittances) 

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfer type
Transfers outside HSBC UAE
Charge Type
Online Banking 2
Phone Banking
Branch Banking
Fees on Domestic transfers (outward remittances) 

HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance,

Personal Banking

Transfer type
Transfers outside HSBC UAE
Charge Type
Online Banking 2
Phone Banking
AED 1 (AED 1.05 inc of VAT) paid towards beneficiary bank charges
Branch Banking
AED 1 (AED 1.05 inc of VAT) paid towards beneficiary bank charges

Penalties and Fees may be applied if there is a customer error or omission in providing correct or incomplete remittance information and may cause a rejection of, or delays in, the transfer. We shall not be held liable for any potential loss.

The actual time to complete a transaction may differ from estimates due to increased scrutiny of transactions by the financial institution or entity providing financial services to the beneficiary of remittances.

For recall of payments, please contact us by any of the means listed at We may charge payment recall fee. We cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to recall the payment successfully.

We use the HSBC foreign exchange rate to work out the VAT charges on foreign transaction fees.

Important notes

1Payments within HSBC will have no fees. Payments made in the HSBC UAE app outside HSBC, if sent in the local currency of the destination country, will have no HSBC fees. Payments outside HSBC not sent in the local currency of the destination country will incur an HSBC fee of AED 75 per transaction + 5% VAT (AED 78.75 per transaction inclusive of VAT) for Premier, Advance and Personal Banking customers. For example, an international transfer made in the HSBC UAE app sent to a non-HSBC account in Oman in USD, will incur an HSBC fee. If the transfer is sent in OMR to a non-HSBC account, there will be no HSBC fee. Please refer to our Schedule of Services and Tariffs (PDF). For international payments outside HSBC, correspondent and receiving banks may charge additional fees when they process the transactions.

2Your lowest cost option to send money from HSBC domestically. 

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