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Term Deposit Account

Know how much you’ll earn right from the start.

Grow your savings with us

Put your money to work, safe in the knowledge of how much interest it’s going to earn you. Just choose the length of your term and deposit amount, and prepare to earn interest at a fixed rate. 

  • Get a fixed interest rate, payable upon maturity. Fees and charges apply
  • A flexible choice of terms, from 1 month to 3 years
  • Low minimum deposits from AED 10,000 or USD/GBP 5,000
  • Open an account in AED, USD or GBP
  • Maximise returns by reinvesting both principal and interest on maturity
  • Manage your money 24/7 through mobile, online or phone banking

Interest rates

AED rates up to

USD rates up to

GBP rates up to

Supercharge your savings with a Term Deposit

Make the most of your money with our latest promotional rates. Just bring in at least AED 10,000 from outside HSBC.[@rolling-term-deposit]

Indicative fixed interest rates

All indicative fixed interest rates quoted are Annual Equivalent Rates. This is a notional rate, which illustrates what the credit interest will be if interest were paid for a full calendar year. The interest will accrue for each calendar day in a month.

Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is paid at maturity.

If you decide to break your deposit before the end of its term, fees and charges may apply and, in addition, you may lose some or all of your interest.

Premier rates

Premier fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in AED. Interest on UAE Dirhams is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]

Deposit term 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 13 months 18 months 24 months 36 months
Less than AED 150,000 0.95% AER 1.05% AER 1.20% AER 1.30% AER 1.60% AER 1.75% AER 1.90% AER 1.90% AER 1.90% AER

1.95% AER 2.10% AER
From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000 1.00% AER 1.10% AER 1.25% AER 1.35% AER 1.75% AER 1.90% AER 2.05% AER 2.05% AER 2.05% AER

2.10% AER 2.20% AER
Starting from AED 750,000 and above 1.05% AER 1.15% AER 1.35% AER 1.40% AER 1.90% AER 2.00% AER 2.15% AER 2.15% AER

2.15% AER

2.20% AER 2.30% AER

Premier fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in AED. Interest on UAE Dirhams is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]

Deposit term Less than AED 150,000
1 month 0.95% AER
2 months 1.05% AER
3 months 1.20% AER
4 months 1.30% AER
6 months 1.60% AER
9 months 1.75% AER
12 months 1.90% AER
13 months 1.90% AER
18 months 1.90% AER

24 months 1.95% AER
36 months 2.10% AER
Deposit term From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000
1 month 1.00% AER
2 months 1.10% AER
3 months 1.25% AER
4 months 1.35% AER
6 months 1.75% AER
9 months 1.90% AER
12 months 2.05% AER
13 months 2.05% AER
18 months 2.05% AER

24 months 2.10% AER
36 months 2.20% AER
Deposit term Starting from AED 750,000 and above
1 month 1.05% AER
2 months 1.15% AER
3 months 1.35% AER
4 months 1.40% AER
6 months 1.90% AER
9 months 2.00% AER
12 months 2.15% AER
13 months 2.15% AER

18 months 2.15% AER

24 months 2.20% AER
36 months 2.30% AER
Premier fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in USD. Interest on US Dollars is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 18 months

24 months

36 months

More than USD 5,000 1.15% AER

1.25% AER

1.45% AER

2.00% AER

2.30% AER

2.50% AER

2.40% AER

2.20% AER

2.00% AER
Premier fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in USD. Interest on US Dollars is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term More than USD 5,000
1 month 1.15% AER

2 months 1.25% AER

3 months 1.45% AER

6 months 2.00% AER

9 months 2.30% AER

12 months 2.50% AER

18 months

2.40% AER

24 months

2.20% AER

36 months

2.00% AER

Advance and Personal Banking rates

Advance and Personal Banking fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in AED. Interest on UAE Dirhams is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 13 months 18 months 24 months 36 months
Less than AED 150,000 0.93% AER

1.03% AER

1.18% AER

1.28% AER

1.58% AER

1.73% AER

1.88% AER

1.88% AER

1.88% AER

1.93% AER

2.08% AER
From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000 0.98% AER

1.08% AER

1.23% AER

1.33% AER

1.73% AER

1.88% AER

2.03% AER

2.03% AER

2.03% AER

2.08% AER

2.18% AER

Starting from AED 750,000 and above 1.03% AER

1.13% AER

1.33% AER

1.38% AER

1.88% AER

1.98% AER

2.13% AER

2.13% AER

2.13% AER

2.18% AER

2.28% AER

Advance and Personal Banking fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in AED. Interest on UAE Dirhams is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term Less than AED 150,000
1 month 0.93% AER

2 months 1.03% AER

3 months 1.18% AER

4 months 1.28% AER

6 months 1.58% AER

9 months 1.73% AER

12 months 1.88% AER

13 months 1.88% AER

18 months 1.88% AER

24 months 1.93% AER

36 months 2.08% AER
Deposit term From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000
1 month 0.98% AER

2 months 1.08% AER

3 months 1.23% AER

4 months 1.33% AER

6 months 1.73% AER

9 months 1.88% AER

12 months 2.03% AER

13 months 2.03% AER

18 months 2.03% AER

24 months 2.08% AER

36 months 2.18% AER

Deposit term Starting from AED 750,000 and above
1 month 1.03% AER

2 months 1.13% AER

3 months 1.33% AER

4 months 1.38% AER

6 months 1.88% AER

9 months 1.98% AER

12 months 2.13% AER

13 months 2.13% AER

18 months 2.13% AER

24 months 2.18% AER

36 months 2.28% AER

Advance and Personal Banking fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in USD. Interest on US Dollars is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 18 months

24 months

36 months
More than USD 5,000 1.13% AER

1.23% AER

1.43% AER

1.98% AER

2.28% AER

2.48% AER

2.38% AER

2.18% AER

1.98% AER
Advance and Personal Banking fixed interest rates per year by deposit term in USD. Interest on US Dollars is calculated on a 360 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]
Deposit term More than USD 5,000
1 month 1.13% AER

2 months 1.23% AER

3 months 1.43% AER

6 months 1.98% AER

9 months 2.28% AER

12 months 2.48% AER

18 months

2.38% AER

24 months

2.18% AER

36 months 1.98% AER

Promotional rates

Promotional fixed interest rate per year by deposit term.[@rolling-term-deposit] Interest on UAE Dirhams and United States Dollars are calculated on a 360 day basis and paid annually or monthly. Interest on GBP is calculated on a 365 day basis.[@aprtermdeposit]

3 months 4.00%
6 months 3.90% 4.10% 4.05%
12 months 3.80% 4.00% 3.95%
Term 3 months
AED 4.00%
USD 4.05%
Term 6 months
AED 3.90%
USD 4.10%
Term 12 months
AED 3.80%
USD 4.00%

If you break your Term Deposit before maturity, the promotional rate no longer applies. Instead, interest will be paid based on the board rate applicable at the time when you placed the Term Deposit minus 1%.

Illustrative example

Indicative rates for illustrative example

Deposit term 1 month 6 months 9 months 12 months
Fixed Interest rate 0.5% AER 0.8% AER 1.1% AER 1.2% AER
Deposit term Fixed Interest rate
1 month 0.5% AER
6 months 0.8% AER
9 months 1.1% AER
12 months 1.2% AER

A customer books a deposit for AED 100,000 on 1 January 2023 for 12 months. This means the Term Deposit will mature on 31 December 2023. The AED 100,000 deposit will then be repaid and the interest received will be AED 1,217, calculated on 1.2% AER for 365 days.


Example 1: Term Deposit break on 15 January 2023

AED 100,00 deposit will be repaid.

No interest will be paid.


Example 2: Term Deposit break on 30 June 2023

AED 100,00 deposit will be repaid.

Tenor completed is 6 months. The applicable historical interest rate is 0.8% AER. 1% will be subtracted from 0.8%, resulting in -0.2%.

Since this is below 0, there will be no interest paid.


Example 3: Term Deposit break on 31 October 2023

AED 100,000 deposit will be repaid.

Tenor completed is 9 months. The applicable historical interest rate is 1.1%. 1% will be subtracted from 1.1% resulting in 0.1%.

The interest received will be AED 84.44, calculated on 0.1% for 304 days.

Things to know

Who can apply?

You can apply for a Term Deposit Account if you:

  • are over 18 and a UAE resident
  • have an HSBC current or savings account

You must hold the current or savings account for the duration of any Term Deposit. For joint deposits, all account holders must hold an HSBC current or savings account either jointly or separately in their sole names.

Get started

Already an HSBC customer?

Only AED Term Deposits are available online. To open an account with promotional rates, or in USD or GBP, please apply by phone.

New to HSBC?

Complete our callback form to speak to a member of our team.

We'll get back to you during working hours, Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:30. If you contact us outside these times, we aim to get back to you on the next working day. We may record calls to help improve our service to you.


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