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Term Deposit Account

HSBC Term Deposit Account

Grow your money with a HSBC Term Deposit Account.

Supercharge your savings with a Term Deposit

Make the most of your money with our latest promotional rates. Just bring in at least AED 100,000 from outside HSBC.


  • Competitive fixed interest rates
    Fixed Interest rate up to 2.50%1 per annum, payable upon maturity.
  • Choice of currencies
    Your Term Deposit account is available in AED, USD or GBP.
  • Low minimum deposit requirement
    AED 10,000 or USD/GBP 5,000.
  • Opportunity to maximise returns
    Choose to reinvest both principal and interest on maturity.
  • 24/7 banking to suit your needs
    Free online banking, phone banking, mobile banking and text message alerts.
  • Choice of terms
    Starting from 1 month and up to 36 months.

1Standard HSBC fees and charges apply.

Term Deposit indicative fixed interest rate, 10 February 20232

HSBC Premier Indicative Fixed Interest Rates per annum by deposit term in AED.
Full balance of the Term Deposit 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 13 months 18 months 24 months 36 months
Less than AED 150,000 0.95% AER 1.05% AER 1.20% AER 1.30% AER 1.60% AER 1.75% AER 1.90% AER 1.90% AER 1.90% AER 1.95% AER 2.10% AER
From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000 1.00% AER 1.10% AER 1.25% AER 1.35% AER 1.75% AER 1.90% AER 2.05% AER 2.05% AER 2.05% AER 2.10% AER 2.20% AER
Starting from AED 750,000 and above 1.05% AER 1.15% AER 1.35% AER 1.40% AER 1.90% AER 2.00% AER 2.15% AER 2.15% AER 2.15% AER 2.20% AER 2.30% AER
HSBC Premier Indicative Fixed Interest Rates per annum by deposit term in AED.
Full balance of the Term Deposit Less than AED 150,000
1 month 0.95% AER
2 months 1.05% AER
3 months 1.20% AER
4 months 1.30% AER
6 months 1.60% AER
9 months 1.75% AER
12 months 1.90% AER
13 months 1.90% AER
18 months 1.90% AER
24 months 1.95% AER
36 months 2.10% AER
Full balance of the Term Deposit From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000
1 month 1.00% AER
2 months 1.10% AER
3 months 1.25% AER
4 months 1.35% AER
6 months 1.75% AER
9 months 1.90% AER
12 months 2.05% AER
13 months 2.05% AER
18 months 2.05% AER
24 months 2.10% AER
36 months 2.20% AER
Full balance of the Term Deposit Starting from AED 750,000 and above
1 month 1.05% AER
2 months 1.15% AER
3 months 1.35% AER
4 months 1.40% AER
6 months 1.90% AER
9 months 2.00% AER
12 months 2.15% AER
13 months 2.15% AER
18 months 2.15% AER
24 months 2.20% AER
36 months 2.30% AER
HSBC Premier Indicative Fixed Interest Rates per annum by deposit term in USD.
Full balance of USD Term Deposit 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months 36 Months
More than USD 5,000 1.15% AER 1.25% AER 1.45% AER 2.00% AER 2.30% AER 2.50% AER 2.40% AER 2.20% AER 2.00% AER
HSBC Premier Indicative Fixed Interest Rates per annum by deposit term in USD.
Full balance of USD Term Deposit More than USD 5,000
1 Month 1.15% AER
2 Months 1.25% AER
3 Months 1.45% AER
6 Months 2.00% AER
9 Months 2.30% AER
12 Months 2.50% AER
18 Months 2.40% AER
24 Months 2.20% AER
36 Months 2.00% AER
Tem Deposit Rate for HSBC Advance & Personal Banking
Full balance of the Term Deposit 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 13 months 18 months 24 months 36 months
Less than AED 150,000 0.93% AER 1.03% AER 1.18% AER 1.28% AER 1.58% AER 1.73% AER 1.88% AER 1.88% AER 1.88% AER 1.93% AER 2.08% AER
From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000 0.98% AER 1.08% AER 1.23% AER 1.33% AER 1.73% AER 1.88% AER 2.03% AER 2.03% AER 2.03% AER 2.08% AER 2.18% AER
Starting from AED 750,000 and above 1.03% AER 1.13% AER 1.33% AER 1.38% AER 1.88% AER 1.98% AER 2.13% AER 2.13% AER 2.13% AER 2.18% AER 2.28% AER
Tem Deposit Rate for HSBC Advance & Personal Banking
Full balance of the Term Deposit Less than AED 150,000
1 month 0.93% AER
2 months 1.03% AER
3 months 1.18% AER
4 months 1.28% AER
6 months 1.58% AER
9 months 1.73% AER
12 months 1.88% AER
13 months 1.88% AER
18 months 1.88% AER
24 months 1.93% AER
36 months 2.08% AER
Full balance of the Term Deposit From AED 150,000 and less than AED 750,000
1 month 0.98% AER
2 months 1.08% AER
3 months 1.23% AER
4 months 1.33% AER
6 months 1.73% AER
9 months 1.88% AER
12 months 2.03% AER
13 months 2.03% AER
18 months 2.03% AER
24 months 2.08% AER
36 months 2.18% AER
Full balance of the Term Deposit Starting from AED 750,000 and above
1 month 1.03% AER
2 months 1.13% AER
3 months 1.33% AER
4 months 1.38% AER
6 months 1.88% AER
9 months 1.98% AER
12 months 2.13% AER
13 months 2.13% AER
18 months 2.13% AER
24 months 2.18% AER
36 months 2.28% AER
Term Deposit Rate for HSBC Advance & Personal Banking
Full balance of USD Term Deposit 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months 36 Months
More than USD 5,000 1.13% AER 1.23% AER 1.43% AER 1.98% AER 2.28% AER 2.48% AER 2.38% AER 2.18% AER 1.98% AER
Term Deposit Rate for HSBC Advance & Personal Banking
Full balance of USD Term Deposit More than USD 5,000
1 Month 1.13% AER
2 Months 1.23% AER
3 Months 1.43% AER
6 Months 1.98% AER
9 Months 2.28% AER
12 Months 2.48% AER
18 Months 2.38% AER
24 Months 2.18% AER
36 Months 1.98% AER

All indicative fixed interest rates quoted above are in Annual Equivalent Rates. This is a notional rate, which illustrates what the credit interest will be if interest were paid for a full calendar year. The interest will accrue for each calendar day in a month.

Interest on UAE Dirhams and United States Dollars are calculated on a 360 day basis. Interest on Sterling is calculated based on a 365 day basis. 

Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is paid at maturity.

2Interest rates are subject to change from time to time at the sole discretion of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited. The interest rate applicable to your existing deposit will remain unchanged for the duration of the term. For more information about the interest rates applicable for particular deposit amounts, currencies and terms, please contact one of our Premier Relationship Managers or any branch or call centre. 

If you decide to break your deposit before the end of its term, fees and charges may apply and, in addition, you may lose some or all of your interest.

Effective from 3 February 2021 we will be offering a 0% rate on all GBP Term Deposits.

Promotional rates for new money

Promotional rates end 26 July 2024.
3-months 4.50% AER 4.70% AER 4.40% AER
6-months 5.00% AER 5.00% AER 4.75% AER
9-months 4.75% AER 4.75% AER 4.60% AER

Promotional rates for new money

Promotional rates end 26 July 2024.
Term 3-months
AED 4.50% AER
USD 4.70% AER
GBP 4.40% AER
Term 6-months
AED 5.00% AER
USD 5.00% AER
GBP 4.75% AER
Term 9-months
AED 4.75% AER
USD 4.75% AER
GBP 4.60% AER

HSBC Personal Banking General Terms And Conditions (UAE) apply. Funds need to be brought in from outside of HSBC within 7 days of opening the Term Deposit. New customers who have opened their first account with HSBC for less than 90 days may avail the new rates with any funds they bring in higher than AED 10,000 / USD 5,000 / GBP 5,000. For existing customers, new money needs to be at least AED 100,000 or USD equivalent. Salaries and loan proceeds do not count as new money for this promotion.

These rates are not available to book online, please contact us to place deposits using these promotional rates.

All indicative fixed interest rates quoted above are in Annual Equivalent Rates. This is a notional rate, which illustrates what the credit interest will be if interest were paid for a full calendar year. The interest will accrue for each calendar day in a month.

Interest on UAE Dirhams and United States Dollars are calculated on a 360 day basis and paid annually or monthly. Interest on GBP is calculated on a 365 day basis.

Rates are subject to change and can be withdrawn or revised at any time. However, the interest rate applicable to your booked deposit will remain unchanged for the duration of the Term Deposit.

If you break your Term Deposit before Maturity, the promotional rates no longer apply. Instead, interest will be paid based on the board rate applicable at the time when you placed the Term Deposit minus 1%, shown in the previous section.

For all fees and charges, please refer to our latest Schedule of Services and Tariffs, as amended from time to time.

Fees and charges

An HSBC account comes with monthly statements. Please refer to our Schedule of Services and Tariffs for a complete list of services along with any fees and charges associated with them.

No Interest will be paid if you request to break the Term Deposit within the first 30 calendar days. You will only receive your Deposit Amount.

If you request to break the Term Deposit after 30 calendar days, interest will only be credited up to the date of breakage and the following charges may be deducted from the interest amount. The charge will be calculated based on:

  1. The historical booking rate for the tenor that has been completed.
  2. 1% will be subtracted from the historical booking rate
  3. If this results in the interest rate being lower than 0, only Deposit Amount will be paid.

For more details you can refer to the Schedule of Services and Tariffs.

Illustrative Example

  1 Month 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
Fixed Interest rate 0.5% AER 0.8% AER 1.1% AER 1.2% AER

Illustrative Example

  Fixed Interest rate
1 Month 0.5% AER
6 Months 0.8% AER
9 Months 1.1% AER
12 Months 1.2% AER

Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months Deposit Amount  Interest

1st January 2022 Deposit booked 


AED 100,000 
1.2% AER paid on the 31st of December 2022 
31st December 2022 Term Deposit will mature
AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid 

Calculated based on 365 days


Example 1:


Term Deposit break on 15th January 2022

AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid
No Interest will be paid 

Example 2:


Term Deposit break on 30th June 2022

AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid

Tenor completed is 6 months

Charges applied:

  • Applicable historical interest rate is 0.8%.
  • 1% will be subtracted from 0.8% will result in -0.2%
  • Since this is below 0, no interest will be paid. 

Example 3


Term Deposit Break on 31st of October 2022

AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid 

Tenor completed is 9 months

Charges applied:

  • Applicable historical interest rate is 1.1%.
  • 1% will be subtracted from 1.1% will result in 0.1%
  • Interest will be calculated based on 0.1% for 304 days.
  • Interest received will be AED84.44 

Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months

1st January 2022 Deposit booked 


Deposit Amount  AED 100,000 
Interest 1.2% AER paid on the 31st of December 2022 
Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months 31st December 2022 Term Deposit will mature
Deposit Amount  AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid 

Calculated based on 365 days


Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months

Example 1:


Term Deposit break on 15th January 2022

Deposit Amount  AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid
Interest No Interest will be paid 
Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months

Example 2:


Term Deposit break on 30th June 2022

Deposit Amount  AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid

Tenor completed is 6 months

Charges applied:

  • Applicable historical interest rate is 0.8%.
  • 1% will be subtracted from 0.8% will result in -0.2%
  • Since this is below 0, no interest will be paid. 
Customer decides to book a deposit for AED 100,000 for 12 months

Example 3


Term Deposit Break on 31st of October 2022

Deposit Amount  AED 100,000 Deposit will be paid 

Tenor completed is 9 months

Charges applied:

  • Applicable historical interest rate is 1.1%.
  • 1% will be subtracted from 1.1% will result in 0.1%
  • Interest will be calculated based on 0.1% for 304 days.
  • Interest received will be AED84.44 

Documents required to apply

You need to complete our account opening process by visiting any of our branches or customer service centres, with the following documents:

  • original passport (for all customers)
  • valid residence visa (for non-GCC national customers only)
  • original Emirates identification card (for all customers)
  • proof of UAE residence in the form of a utility bill/ rental/ lease agreement/ employment letter (for all customers)
  • original labour card/work ID (for female applicants on father's/husband's sponsorship)
  • original trade licence (for all self-employed customers)

You must have an HSBC current or savings account for the duration of any Term Deposit. For joint deposits, all account holders must hold an HSBC current or savings account either jointly or separately in their sole names.

How to apply


Existing HSBC UAE Customers

If you would like to take advantage of our promotional rates, or to open an account in USD or GPB, apply by phone.

New HSBC UAE Customers

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