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Practical ways to lower your environmental impact and save money

When it comes to reducing your environmental impact, every little bit counts.

Your environmental impact reflects the total amount of carbon emissions, including carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses, that are released into the atmosphere due to your actions. These gases contribute to the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

In this guide, we explore practical ways to help reduce your environmental impact while also potentially saving money.

1. Make your home more energy-efficient

Air conditioning, for example, can be expensive and use a lot of energy. Simple changes, like keeping your thermostat at 24 degree or higher, can save up to 5% on air conditioner energy consumption.1 

Explore: How to make your home energy efficient

2. Use less energy

Changing your daily habits at home can also make a difference and lower the cost of your energy bills.

Simple steps could help, such as not leaving gadgets on standby2, hanging your clothes to dry3, instead of using a tumble dryer, and using less water. 

It takes energy and resources to process and deliver water to our homes. Try turning off the tap when brushing your teeth4, having short showers instead of baths5, and only boiling the water you need.

Explore: How to save money on energy

3. Consider local produce

The food we eat can have a significant impact on the environment. For example, food shipped from overseas uses a lot more resources than local produce. Look up your local farmer’s market or organic shop to find fresh, local produce.6

4. Reduce food waste

When we waste food, we also waste the energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, transport, and package it. If it ends up in landfill, it also produces methane—a greenhouse gas that is more potent than carbon dioxide.7

You can reduce food waste by creating a budget, planning meals and storing your food carefully.

5. Drive less if you can

In the cooler months, you could cycle or walk, instead of taking the car. When it's warmer, consider taking the metro or car-pooling for the school run or commute to work.

If the distance is too far to cycle, an electric scooter is another option to help minimise your environmental impact.

6. Holiday closer to home

Flying makes up a substantial amount of our carbon footprint; taking trips that don’t require a plane journey can significantly reduce your overall impact.

Why not consider a staycation for your next holiday, and explore different neighbourhoods or local sights and experiences?

7. Upgrade your car when you can

When it comes time to buy a new car, and as they become more affordable, an electric or hybrid vehicle may be an option. It can help you minimise the amount of petrol you use.

8. Consider sustainable investing

There are many different approaches to sustainable investing.

If you're looking to align your investments with your values and financial goals, sustainable investing could be a suitable choice.

Explore: What is sustainable investing?

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From tackling climate change to animal welfare, your investments can have a positive impact on the world.
An energy efficient home is not only good for the planet, it can also lower your bills and save you money.
Using less energy is better for the environment and your wallet. Here are positive changes you can make to help the planet and save you money.